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मासिक कैलेंडर

Parent Workshops

Are you interested in learning more about drug education for your youth? Do you have a youth between the ages of 10-18? Join us for a Parent Workshop to discuss important topics such as how to talk to your youth about drugs and addictions, signs and risk factors, and how to navigate support and prevention.

The workshop will be facilitated by Tyrone Goodwin, Drive for Sobriety Facilitator, Peer and Mental Health Advocate.

Registration Required!

Next Program Dates

April 14 & 16 - 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Location: Fairview Resource Centre

Upcoming Events

Coming soon

Contact Us!

​​902-443-9569  ext 0


6 टाइटस स्ट्रीट

हैलिफैक्स, नोवा स्कोटिया, B3N 2Y7

902-443-9569 | 1-866-637-4699


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धर्मार्थ संख्या: 85515 9083 RR0001
गोपनीयता नीति और सेवा की शर्तें | साइटमैप
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